Not all water filters are created equally. Some just filter a few tap water contaminants and alter the water profile a bit. Our independently lab tested Aquagear filter is the most robust unit on the market. Aquagear removes 20x more contaminants than the leading filter pitcher.
Here are 7 reasons why you should use the Aquagear Filter Pitcher:
1. There's a mounting water crisis occurring in the United States. One study published this year showed that since 1982, between 3 and 10% of the nation's tap water was not up to federal standards. Aquagear removes dangerous contaminants such as lead, chlorine, Benzene, mercury, chromium-6 and more.
Most US homes receive tap water for mere pennies. Filtering tap is tremendously more cost effective than buying bottled water.
2. Using a filter pitcher is much more cost effective than purchasing bottled water. The average family can spend up to $3,000 per year buying bottled water. And that's for the relatively cheap stuff! Tap water is available to most homes for about $0.0015 per gallon. Add an inexpensive water filter and you can begin seeing the tremendous savings!
3. Aquagear filter removes dangerous tap water contaminants while maintaining healthful minerals.
4. An exhaustive study proved that Aquagear filters lead to undetectable levels. The study was conducted in Michigan using highly contaminated water from Flint Michigan.
5. Using bottled water has enormous environmental repercussions. Approximately 50 billion plastic bottles are produced, used and disposed of each year. Only about 23% of them end up being recycled and reused. Many of them end up in landfills or our oceans.
6. Aquagear filters are proudly made in the USA! That's right, unlike most filter pitcher companies who's filters our often stamped with "Made in China," ours certainly stands out among them.